On 03/25/2013 04:57 PM, cal wrote:

Trying to figure out how to pattern-match struct S below with an

struct S(A, bool B) {}

static assert ( !is(S!(int, false) _ == S!(U, bool), U) );
static assert ( !is(S!(int, false) _ == S!(U, V), U, V) );
static assert ( !is(S!(int, false) _ == S!(U, V), U, V : bool) );

void main(){}

Can someone help?

I am not sure that I understand but usually the test is done in a context like foo() below:

struct S(A, bool B) {}

void foo(T)()
    static assert(is(T == S!(U, false), U));

void main()
    foo!(S!(int, false))();


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