On Thursday, 28 March 2013 at 07:57:07 UTC, Martin Drašar wrote:
Dne 27.3.2013 22:38, Tim napsal(a):
Thanks! I've never used message passing and I'm currently a bit confused how it works (I came from the Java-area where message passing isn't necessary for something like that)... are there any information/examples about message passing? I sill can't get it to work... I changed my code
as follows:


To use message passing, you have to use the std.concurrency module and then jump through some hoops to execute the code in your class in separate thread. Right now, you are using core.thread which is lower level than std.concurrency. Definitely check the page Ali sent you.

I have altered your code a bit to send the interrupt to the thread using a socketpair. I had to change the signal code, because it was not working on my windows box (I wasn't sure what to import).

This code still relies on a variable set inside the signal handler, because writing to a socket is not nothrow. You could overcome this by using the pipe as Sean suggested.


import std.socket;
import core.thread;
import core.stdc.signal;
import std.stdio;

__gshared Socket readSock;
__gshared Socket writeSock;
__gshared bool stopServer = false;

class Connection : Thread {
  private Socket pSocket;
  void run() {
    ptrdiff_t received;
    ubyte[0x10] buffer;

    SocketSet ss = new SocketSet();

    while(1) {


      if (Socket.select(ss, null, null) > 0) {

        if (ss.isSet(pSocket))
          received = pSocket.receive(buffer);
          writeln("Received data");
          // process data
        else if (ss.isSet(readSock))
          writeln("Received interrupt");
          break mainloop;
  this(Socket s) {
    pSocket = s;

extern (C) void terminateServer(int s) nothrow {
  stopServer = true;

void main() {

  signal(SIGINT, &terminateServer);

  TcpSocket s = new TcpSocket();
  s.bind(new InternetAddress(2100));

  auto pair = socketPair();

  readSock  = pair[0];
  writeSock = pair[1];

  SocketSet ss = new SocketSet();

  while (!stopServer)

    if (Socket.select(ss, null, null, dur!"msecs"(20)) > 0)
      writeln("Received new connection");
      (new Connection(s.accept)).start();




Thanks Martin and Ali. Your solution works as long as I use the receive()-method, but what about using SocketStreams? I replaced socket.receive() with socketStream.readLine() which isn't broken by the solution above...

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