On 03/30/2013 05:25 AM, Josh wrote:
This is the code causing the problem:

class myInputDialog : Dialog
     super("Please enter file location...", this, GtkDialogFlags.MODAL |
GtkDialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, [StockID.OK], [GtkResponseType.OK]);
     with (addButton(StockID.OPEN, GtkResponseType.NONE))
         setLabel("_Find file");
     addButton(StockID.CANCEL, GtkResponseType.CANCEL);
     Entry fileLocInput = new Entry();

void findFile(Button but)
     FileChooserDialog fileWindow = new FileChooserDialog("Use File...",
this, GtkFileChooserAction.OPEN, ["Open", "Cancel"],
[GtkResponseType.ACCEPT, GtkResponseType.CANCEL]);

It produces the error "GLib-GIO-ERROR **: No GSettings schemas are
installed on the system". The command prompt window in the background
says "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an
unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more
information." and then appears to segfault.

Windows 7 x64, DMD v2.060, GTK+ Runtime 3.4.2, GtkD 2.0

Anyone know why this is happening? If I comment out the
addOnClicked(&findFile) bit, findFile never runs and the problem doesn't
happen, except I can't browse for files.



It looks like the Gtk Runtime wasn't installed properly, you could try manualy generating the GSettings schemas by running:

C:\Program Files\Gtk-Runtime\bin\glib-compile-schemas.exe C:\Program Files\Gtk-Runtime\share\glib-2.0\schemas\

The schemas directory should contain a bunch of xml files that will need to be compiled. The paths may vary depemding on where the Gtk runtime was installed.

Mike Wey

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