On Saturday, 13 April 2013 at 11:59:12 UTC, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
On Sat, 13 Apr 2013 08:07:39 +0200, Jeremy DeHaan <dehaan.jerem...@gmail.com> wrote:

In debug mode this works as expected. Let's say the radius is 50. getPoint(0) returns a vector that prints X: 50 Y: 0. For some reason, the same function will return a vector that prints X: 50 Y: 4.77673e-14. Now, 4.77673e-14 is a crazy small number that might as well be 0, but why the difference?

Sounds to me like a bug. I've tried recreating the problem on my machine (Win7, dmd 2.062 32-bit, no flags other than debug/release), but can't see
it happen here. My (perceived) version of your code:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.math : sin, cos;

struct Vector2f {
    float x,y;

int m_pointCount = 25;
float m_radius = 50;
Vector2f getPoint(uint index)

    static const(float) pi = 3.141592654f;

    float angle = index * 2 * pi / m_pointCount - pi / 2;

    float x = cos(angle) * m_radius;
    float y = sin(angle) * m_radius;

    return Vector2f(m_radius + x, m_radius + y);

void main( string[] args ) {
    writeln( getPoint( 0 ) );

Could you please post here the minimum code necessary to get the
behavior you describe, as well as the platform and compiler flags
you're using?

After playing around I discovered that Mono-D automatically uses -O for release builds and it looks like that is what is causing this. After compiling using that switch just from the command line I reproduced the problem.

I'm on Windows, and I my compilation was nothing more than "dmd -O -release main.d" to get the issue I described.

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