On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 12:17:03 +0100, Tofu Ninja <emmo...@purdue.edu> wrote:

On Wednesday, 17 April 2013 at 11:02:24 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
True, but this is what I'd call a short term view of encapsulation and code quality.

Thinking about encapsulation in the short term is important because it forces you to properly design things for the long term. If you don't care at all about encapsulation (or orthogonality) you probably wont bother to actually define the interface between two potentially orthogonal pieces of code.

If there is no separation "designed in" to start with then code tends to tie itself together in sometimes surprising ways typically creating unintended dependencies or complexity. Essentially the code becomes harder to reason about, harder to change and therefore harder to improve.

So, ultimately encapsulation (one aspect of good design) should lead to code which is better in every measurable way, including running faster. Sure, there will be the odd case where encapsulation decreases performance, in those cases I would take the practical route of breaking encapsulation to solve the issue. In short, encapsulation is important and useful but not paramount.



You misunderstand me, I think encapsulation is great and important, but just not as great and important as a lot of people seem to think.

No, I got all that :)

My point was that it can in fact make your program run faster, indirectly. :P


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