On Thursday, 18 April 2013 at 18:25:21 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Thursday, 18 April 2013 at 18:04:03 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
On 4/18/13, gedaiu <szabobog...@yahoo.com> wrote:
i've done that but i get this error:

Error: function base.Value.Value.toString cannot override a
non-virtual function
Error: function base.Value.Value.toString override only applies
to class member functions

If it's a struct then don't put "override".

Just to provide a bit more info:

Classes all derive from Object, which defines toString. Hence, you need to override it to define your own.

Structs don't have a parent (or any inheritance at all) and hence you don't override anything, you just define the method.

i'm realy sorry... it's my mistake...

i have a struct not an object. I have someting like this when i get the error:

struct Value {
        string strVal;

        this(string val) {
                strVal = val;

        override string toString() {
                return strVal;

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