On Wednesday, 24 April 2013 at 20:53:11 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

First, as the local 's' in makeS() is local, it cannot be returned by ref. So, the 'auto ref' return type of makeS() becomes by-value.

However, rvalues are never copied in D. The compiler automatically moves the bits of the rvalue to the left-hand side object, and to be correct, it also elides the destructor execution on the rvalue. (Note that this is not the RVO and NRVO optimization that C++ "allows". This is a language feature in D.)

For that feature to be available at all, struct objects must not have references to themselves; D explicitly makes it illegal.

So, unfortunately your S is not a valid type in D because of the following line (.ptr is added by me):

    s.b = s.buf.ptr;


Thanks, this explains a lot. I was interfacing with a C library when tracing back an error to this. I eagerly submitted a Bug report http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=9985. Seems to me that dmd doesn't do NRVO (?), see the issue.

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