On Monday, 29 April 2013 at 11:40:45 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 04/28/2013 09:45 PM, Namespace wrote:
That surprised me a bit. Is that expected?

import std.stdio;

struct A { }

interface IFoo {
    void bar(ref const A);

class Foo : IFoo {
    void bar(ref const A a) {


    void bar(const A a) {
        return this.bar(a);

Error: function c517.Foo.bar of type void(const(A) a) overrides but is
not covariant with c517.IFoo.bar of type void(ref const(A))

Seems to be a bug.

I filled a new bug report. But the title is broken because of the very nice copy functionality of my tablet.

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