I'm not sure whether or not I've encountered a bug or whether my understanding of scoped imports is just faulty.


  1 module blah;
  3 version(A)
  4 {
  5    import std.range;
  6 }
  8 struct Blah(R)
  9 {
 10    version(B)
 11    {
 12       import std.range;
 13    }
 14    static assert(isInputRange!R);
 16    void blah(R r)
 17    {
 18       version(C)
 19       {
 20          assert(r.front == 'h');
 21       }
 22    }
 23 }
 25 void main()
 26 {
 27    Blah!string blah;
 28    blah.blah("hello");
 29 }

rdmd -version=A -version=C blah
Compiles fine. Module-level import works for the static assert on line 14 and the runtime assert on line 20

rdmd -version=B blah
Compiles fine! Struct-level import works for the static assert on line 14

rdmd -version=B -version=C blah
Fails to compile. I get the following error messages:
blah.d(20): Error: no property 'front' for type 'string'
blah.d(27): Error: template instance blah.Blah!(string) error instantiating

So it appears that when my import is at the struct level like line 12 I'm able to use the static assert but *not* the runtime assert. Why cant the function Blah.blah() find the array implementation of front?

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