On 5/11/13, gedaiu <szabobog...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> i have this code, and i don't think i can add extern(C) there

That's a problem with the parser. Instead of auto use the actual function type:

alias extern(C) int function(void **con_cls,
    size_t *upload_data_size,
    const char *upload_data,
    const char *ver,
    const char *method,
    const char *url,
    MHD_Connection* connection,
    void* cls) MHD_AccessHandlerCallback;


MHD_AccessHandlerCallback ahc_echo = function(void* cls,
        MHD_Connection* connection,
        const char *url,
        const char *method,
        const char *ver,
        const char *upload_data,
        size_t *upload_data_size,
        void **ptr) {

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