Guys, this is a precise example of what i'm trying to do. You'll notice that there're 2 ways of waking up the consumer:

Condition cond; // Previously instantiated.
bool loop = false; // This variable determine if the consumer should take the next iteration or wait until a thread calls SetLoop(true). Object my_variable; // A value used for comunicating producer and consumer. It's not a prerequisite to be set for an iteration to happen.

// This function is called by multiple threads.
void SetLoop(bool val)
        if(val != loop)
                loop = val;
                        cond.notify(); // Wake up consumer in case it was 

// This function is called by multiple threads.
bool GetLoop()
        return loop;

void MyConsumer()
                        if(loop == false)
                                cond.wait(); // Wait for producer or 
                        if(my_variable !is null)
Call private function 1. SetLoop(true/false) might be called here.
my_variable = null; // Lock is useful here for setting my_variable.
                        // These conditions are intentionally placed here.
                        if(loop == false)
continue; // Jump to next iteration. Please note that cond.mutex gets released and reaquired in the next iteration.
loop = false; // Reset waiting on every iteration. Can be modified by private function 2 below.
Call private function 2. SetLoop(true/false) might be called here.

void MyProducer()
                if(/* Some other condition */)
synchronized(cond.mutex) // Lock is useful here for setting my_variable.
                                my_variable = /* Some value */;
                                cond.notify(); // Wake up consumer in case it 
was waiting.

Wouldn't wrapping all the lines in "SetLoop()" inside a "synchronized(cond.mutex)" statement produce a deadlock because it might be called by private functions 1 or 2? Should i only wrap cond.notify() or is it of no meaning in this case? Like this:

void SetLoop(bool val)
        if(val != loop)
                loop = val;
                                cond.notify(); // Wake up consumer in case it 
was waiting.

Synchronization of variable "loop" doesn't seem important in this case. Do you still recommend to use an extra mutex to set it? like this:

void SetLoop(bool val)
                if(val != loop)
                        loop = val;
                                        cond.notify(); // Wake up consumer in 
case it was waiting.

void MyConsumer()
        if(loop == false)
                        loop = false;

Thank you guys so much for your time and your expertise.

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