21-May-2013 01:19, Timothee Cour пишет:

    IRC there was a problem with having a heterogeneous variadic
    (=compiler's type tuple) function to preserve ref-ness.

could you please provide a code snippet demonstrating this?


void readf(Args...)(const(char)[] fmt, Args args)

the problem was that you couldn't do

void readf(Args...)(const(char)[] fmt, ref Args args)

and have each of args be a 'ref' to original var as there is no such things outside function arguments declaration. I dunno how it was solved but this now works:

void readf(Args...)(const(char)[] fmt, ref Args args)
    foreach(i, v; args)
        args[i] = i;

void main(){
    int i, j, k;
    readf("abc", i, j, k);
    assert(i == 0);
    assert(j == 1);
    assert(k == 2);

Dmitry Olshansky

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