On 05/26/2013 05:59 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> On 05/26/2013 05:38 AM, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
>>      Tuple!(size_t, size_t)[][] data = createData();
>>      immutable dataImm = assumeUnique(data);
>>      data = null; // Simply to ensure no mutable references exist.
> The last line is not needed. assumeUnique already does that. :)

That's fantastic, thank you both very much.  Does that also work for arbitrary
data structures (e.g. also associative arrays, complex structs/classes etc.)?

Related question -- assume that I now want to store that immutable data inside a
broader storage class, but I want that storage class to be agnostic as to
whether the data is immutable, const or mutable.

Something like this:

        class MyDataStore
                float[] someData;
                uint[] someMoreData;
                Tuple!(size_t, size_t)[][] importedData;

                this(float[] sd, uint[] smd, Tuple!(size_t, size_t)[][] id)
                        someData = sd;
                        someMoreData = smd;
                        importedData = id;

... which of course fails if you try passing it immutable data for any of the
parameters.  So, is there a way to make this broader storage class

I guess applying "inout" to the input parameters is necessary, but it's clearly
not sufficient as the code then fails when trying to assign to the class'
internal variables.

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