So I have this code I'm working on but I get weird results. What am I doing wrong ?

Code :

import std.stdio;
import std.c.stdlib;

void main()
foreach (count; 1 .. 16){
        write("Result : ", (2)^(count), " from : ", count, "\n");


Result : 3 from : 1
Result : 0 from : 2
Result : 1 from : 3
Result : 6 from : 4
Result : 7 from : 5
Result : 4 from : 6
Result : 5 from : 7
Result : 10 from : 8
Result : 11 from : 9
Result : 8 from : 10
Result : 9 from : 11
Result : 14 from : 12
Result : 15 from : 13
Result : 12 from : 14
Result : 13 from : 15

Thank you for your time.

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