On Saturday, 29 June 2013 at 14:20:05 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Not knowing whether it applies to your case, the following is one almost correct way of writing opCmp:

    int opCmp(ref const Vector3D vec) {
        return cast(int)(x != vec.x
                         ? x - vec.x
                         : (y != vec.y
                            ? y - vec.y
                            : z - vec.z));


This is the closes thing to what the OP wrote, but it is a *very* (IMO) strange way to sort 3D elements.

In basic English, it's:
Whoever has the smallest X, or, if tied,
Whoever has the smallest Y, or, if tied,
Whoever has the smallest Z

OP: Is this how you wanted to sort?

This is strange to me because ordering is (usually) tied to a norm, where basically, opCmp returns whoever has the smallest norm. Yet this ordering isn't really tied to any norm.

OP: Can you confirm how you want to sort? Usually, 3DVector are sorted using any of Euclidian, Manhatan, Maximum or Minimum norm:

If you can define a "norm" function, then opCmp becomes:
int opCmp(in Vector3D iRhs)
    auto nLhs = this.norm();
    auto nRhs = iRhs.norm();
    return (nLhs > nRhs) - (nLhs < nRhs);

This is standard "boilerplate" opCmp. It avoids branching too.

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