Yeah, not very exiting, but I just spent an hour tracking down the fix, but now I'd like to track down *what* was making it break (my fix was "luck"). This should help Kenji (or others) have an easier time fixing it :)

Also, I'm only repro'ing this on linux...

I think there are two things involved here. The first, is accessing members of a struct for a static if, in a global scope:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;

struct S(R)
    R _input;
    void foo()
static assert(is(typeof(_input[size_t.max .. size_t.max]))); //ok
        static assert(is(typeof(_input[size_t.max .. $]))); //ok
static assert(is(typeof(_input[size_t.max .. size_t.max]))); //ok
    static assert(is(typeof(_input[size_t.max .. $]))); //NOPE!

void main()
    auto k = iota(0, 1).cycle();
    S!(typeof(k)) s;

As you can see, the static if behaves differently in a function, or in the raw body of the struct. Is this normal? Anybody know what is going on exactly? I'm trying to get more context here...


Second, one of the things I found strange was that only *1* of the two assertions failed. basically, _input[0 .. 1] is fair game, yet, _input[0 .. $] is not? What gives? I put my nose in cycles's opDollar. It is written like this:

        private static struct DollarToken {}
        DollarToken opDollar()
            return DollarToken.init;
Nothing special about it. Just a function that returns an object. Declaring it const/nothrow/@safe *and* pure does not fix the problem...

*HOWEVER* declaring it as a manifest constant *does* fix the issue:
        private static struct DollarToken {}
        enum opDollar = DollarToken.init;


I think I've run into "global static ifs using members" issues before, but just figured I wasn't allowed to use them. Apparently, to issue is more subtle than this. I have *no* idea how to file this, I have no idea what the rules are. Any insight?

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