Ali Çehreli:

I don't think we are there yet. :)

Thinking some more about this topic I have created a small test example:

uint i = 100;
void main(in string[] args) {
    auto j = args.length;
    ubyte x1 = (i ^^ 2) % 256; // OK
    ubyte x2 = (i ^^ 3) % 256; // OK
    ubyte[] arr = [(i ^^ 2) % 256, (i ^^ 3) % 256]; // OK!
    ubyte y = [(i ^^ 2) % 256, (i ^^ 3) % 256][j]; // Error

The lines with x1 and x2 are accepted, because the range analysis is able to infer those are in-range assignments. While the assignment of y is refused, despite all the contents of the array can be inferred as castable to ubyte, as shown in assignment of arr.

I think this (the line with y) is worth an enhancement request.


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