On Thu, 11 Jul 2013 19:22:10 +0100, Namespace <rswhi...@googlemail.com> wrote:
I have a style question, because a friend of mine has a similar problem currently and I have no good advice for him.

Let's assume we have this classes:

class MyClass {
        enum A {
                Foo = 0,
                Bar = 1

        A _a;
        this(A a) {
                this._a = a;

        void test1() {


enum B {
        Foo = 0,
        Bar = 1

final abstract class MyStaticClass {
        static void test2(B b) { }

void main() {
Prints: Error: function enum_problem.MyStaticClass.test2 (B b) is not callable using argument types (A)

What should he do?

If A and B are supposed to be/represent the same thing, then they should be the same enumeration - move them/it into a separate module and import into both MyClass and MyStaticClass.

If they're supposed to be different, then you treat them as separate types and either cast, or range check then cast. So, add a uint constructor to MyStaticClass (in addition to the existing B constructor). Have the uint constructor range check the value using assert, or exceptions, then cast valid values to B internally.


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