On 2013-07-12, 22:38, ixid wrote:

On Friday, 12 July 2013 at 20:30:59 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Similarly what are D user's potential issues with Go-like semi-colon rules? And would this be possible as a subset of current D code?

Such changes will not happen even in D4. Walter is strongly against the idea of optional semicolons, on the base that semicolons help the parser, so they allow better error recovery and error messages.


Is there any evidence that these are issues in Go?

I'm not sure how much of a problem it is, especially given that Go has a
strict style guide, but the objection has come up that these two are
very different:

  if i < f() {


  if i < f()

In the second case, a semicolon is inserted on the same line as the if.

However, like I said, in idiomatic Go, this is simply not a done thing.


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