On Friday, 19 July 2013 at 17:18:00 UTC, JS wrote:
I'm trying to create a split function that can handle both char and string delims. I initially created two separate functions but this doesn't work for default parameters since the compiler doesn't know which one to choose(but in this case both would work fine and it would be nice to inform the compiler of that). I then tried to template and conditionally code the two but it still doesn't work:

both functions work separately but when i uncomment the string version I get an error about the string version shadowing.

import std.stdio, std.cstream;

string[] split(T)(string s, T d) if (is(T == char) || is(T == string))
        int i = 0, oldj = 0; bool ok = true;
        string[] r;
        foreach(j, c; s)
                static if (is(T == char))
                        if (c == d)
                                if (!ok) { oldj++; continue; }
                                if (r.length <= i) r.length += 5;
                                r[i] = s[oldj..j];
                                i++; oldj = j+1;
                                ok = false;
                        } else if (!ok) ok = true;
                else if (is(T == string))
                        for(int j = 0; j < s.length - d.length; j++)
                                if (s[j..j + d.length] == d)
                                        if (!ok) { oldj++; continue; }
                                        if (i == r.length) r.length += 5;
                                        r[i] = s[oldj..j - d.length + 1];
                                        i++; oldj = j + d.length;
                                        ok = false;
                                } else if (!ok) ok = true;
        if (oldj < s.length)
                if (r.length <= i) r.length++;
                r[i] = s[oldj..$];
        r.length = i;
        return r;

string[] splitS(string s, string d = " ")
        int i = 0, oldj = 0; bool ok = true;
        string[] r;
        for(int j = 0; j < s.length - d.length; j++)
                if (s[j..j + d.length] == d)
                        if (!ok) { oldj++; continue; }
                        if (r.length <= i) r.length += 5;
                        r[i] = s[oldj..j - d.length + 1];
                        i++; oldj = j + d.length;
                        ok = false;
                } else if (!ok) ok = true;
        if (oldj < s.length)
                if (r.length <= i) r.length++;
                r[i] = s[oldj..$];

        r.length = i;
        return r;

void main(string[] args)

        auto s = splitS("abc bas   ccc", " ");
        foreach(a; s) writeln(a);

BTW, I'd like to have a default value for d. That or efficiently
allow for variadic d, which then the default delim could easily
be tested for.

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