On Monday, 29 July 2013 at 15:28:45 UTC, lindenk wrote:
This is partially a general question as I don't know what this
is called or if it exists. Say for example I want to do
something like the following -
import std.concurrency;
void main()
void foo() {
} catch(GotAMessage msg){}
// clean up
tid = spawn(&foo, thisTid);
// do stuff / wait for some condition
send(tid, "STAHP!");
One solution I've used in the past is setting a timeout for the
blocking function then polling to see if the thread should
exit. The disadvantage is it causes extra, unnecessary checking
and has a delay before it gets the message and exits.
This is a fairly simple example but the idea should be the
same, is there a way to pass a message or signal to a thread to
cause it to branch to some other location?
import std.concurrency;
import core.time;
void foo(Tid parent) {
bool run = true;
(string s){if(s == "STAHP!") run = false;}
// clean up
send(parent, "done");
void main()
auto tid = spawn(&foo, thisTid);
// do stuff / wait for some condition
send(tid, "STAHP!");
auto msg = receiveOnly!(string)();
assert(msg == "done");