On Friday, 2 August 2013 at 12:10:00 UTC, Bosak wrote:
On Friday, 2 August 2013 at 11:52:32 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
On Friday, 2 August 2013 at 11:37:27 UTC, Bosak wrote:
I want to create a mixin template such that:

mixin template ArgNull(alias arg, string name)
  if(arg is null)
      throw new Exception(name~" cannot be null.");

But is there a way to do that with only one template argument. And then use it like:

string text = null;
mixin ArgNull!(text);

And the above mixin to make:

if(text is null)
  throw new Exception("text cannot be null.");

A mixin template can't inject arbitrary code (AFAIK), but only members/functions/structs etc.

A simple string mixin would solve what you need better anyways:

import std.stdio, std.typetuple, std.string;

template ArgNull(alias name)
   enum ArgNull = format(q{
      if(%1$s is null)
          throw new Exception("%1$s cannot be null.");
   }, name.stringof);

void main()
   string s1 = "hello";
   string s2;


FYI, "q{}" is called a "token string", and is formidably useful to write a string that contains code. Also, I'm exploiting the alias arg to extract the name out of the variable. This makes it impossible to accidentally call the mixin with an invalid string (the error will be *at* the mixin call, not *in* the mixin call).

Oh I like your solution. It is just what I needed, thanks! Also I didn't knew you could make enums that contain string values. So in D enums are like constants in C#, right? I see that enums are used a lot with templates. And why is the name of the enum the same with the name of the template? Does it allways have to be like that?

String mixins are fun, but you could also use a more classic template:
void checkNonNull(alias var)() {
    if (var is null)
        throw new Exception(var.stringof ~ " cannot be null.");

void main() {
        string s;

Or with file and line:
void checkNonNull(alias var)(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
    if (var is null)
throw new Exception(var.stringof ~ " cannot be null.", file, line);

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