On Monday, 26 August 2013 at 22:17:07 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
When you run implib, did you use the /s option? implib /s either adds or removes the leading underscore from the name (I don't remember which)... so if you didn't use it, try adding that and see what happens, and if you did, see what happens if you remove that option.

Hmm nope I did not but tried it now: same error.
By the way: I should correct the error message from above. The correct error from dmd is: Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?printCpp@@YAXXZ (void cdecl printCpp(void ))

The error message from above occurs when I write extern(C) instead of extern(C++) but due to the fact that it is C++-DLL, extern(C++) should be correct, shouldn't it?

Maybe, someone here already wrote a program that uses a C/C++-Lib and may tell me what he exactly did?

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