Thanks for your reply!

On Monday, 2 September 2013 at 00:32:52 UTC, bearophile wrote:

I didn't know it uses significant macros. Could you show some of such code pieces?

Here is the documentation...
// Macros to perform various image loops.
// These macros are simpler to use than loops with C++ iterators.
#define cimg_for(img,ptrs,T_ptrs) for (T_ptrs *ptrs = (img)._data, *_max##ptrs = (img)._data + (img).size(); ptrs<_max##ptrs; ++ptrs)

Probably more interesting are the neighbourhood ops like...
#define cimg_for2(bound,i) \
 for (int i = 0, _n1##i = 1>=(bound)?(int)(bound)-1:1; \
      _n1##i<(int)(bound) || i==--_n1##i; \
      ++i, ++_n1##i)

#define cimg_for2x2(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
  cimg_for2((img)._height,y) for (int x = 0, \
   _n1##x = (int)( \
   (I[0] = (T)(img)(0,y,z,c)), \
   (I[2] = (T)(img)(0,_n1##y,z,c)), \
   1>=(img)._width?(img).width()-1:1);  \
   (_n1##x<(img).width() && ( \
   (I[1] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c)), \
   (I[3] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c)),1)) || \
   x==--_n1##x; \
   I[0] = I[1], \
   I[2] = I[3], \
   ++x, ++_n1##x)

I don't know but perhaps the conversion CImg to D could take a year or two of work for a person that knows D :-)

I guess one of the interesting questions it would answer is "How easy is it to convert both C++ programs and C++ programmers to D?"

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