Just wondering if this exists in the standard library.

I made a function "Implements!(T,I)" that returns true is a given type "T" implements the interface "I".


I've found it really helps with keeping some code clean such as the below:
void main() {
        int i = 0x34342343;

//enum Order { Big };
//interface IRawBytes { ubyte[] bytes(Order); }
interface IRawBytes { ubyte[] bytes(); }

void writebytes(T)(T item) if (Implements!(T, IRawBytes)) {
        import std.stdio : writeln;
ubyte[] bytes(ref int i) {
        ubyte* ptr;
        ptr = cast(ubyte*)&i;
        return ptr[0..i.sizeof];

If you decide that IRawBytes.bytes should start taking an Order parameter you get the same benefits you would have got if you had used classes with an interface.

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