The following artificial code sample fails to compile (DMD 2.063.2 run on Ubuntu 13.04 on an AMD Athlon II X4 635 processor)

    void main()
            mov   RAX,0x1ffffffffUL;
            mov   R8,0x1ffffffffUL;
            and   RAX,0xffffffffUL;
            and   R8,0xffffffffUL;
            and   RAX,0x1ffffffffUL;

with this error

    phi/rex.d(9): Error: bad type/size of operands 'and'
    Failed: 'dmd' '-v' '-o-' 'phi/rex.d' '-Iphi'

The error also appears for registers RBX,RCX,RDX,R8 through R15 and the instructions or,xor,add,sub,cmp.

From what I understand from the Intel documentation the registers R8 through R15 can be accessed by prefixing an instruction with an REX.R opcode. And an opcode prefix of REX.W promotes an instruction to 64-bits. I was thinking that this opcode was not being generated by the compiler. But the disassembly I get (using obj2asm, after removing the last statement that will not compile) leads me to believe that no particular opcode is provided.

    mov RAX,01FFFFFFFFh
    mov R8,01FFFFFFFFh
    and EAX,0FFFFFFFFh
    and R8,0FFFFFFFFh

So I'm out of ideas on where the error is coming from. Anyone got any ideas on what's going on here?



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