On Thursday, 12 September 2013 at 19:13:40 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky
Double indirection? Allocate a class that has finalizer, hold that via weak-ref. The wrapper in turn contains a pointer to the buffer. The interesting point then is that one may allocate said buffer via C's realloc.

Then once helper struct is collected the finalizer is called and this is where we call free to cleanup C's heap.

I'm thinking this actually is going to work.

Yum. I like this.

I was going to say: "At the end of the day, if the GC doesn't
*tell* us the collection happened, then the problem is not
solve-able. We'd need a way that would allow the GC to tell us
the memory was *finalized*". And then I'd go on to say "since our
GC is non-finalizing, there is simply no solution".

But then classes. Derp.

I'd be real interested in having a finalized solution. The
"details" of how memory addressing is not my strong suite, so I
wouldn't trust myself with all those union{ptr/size_t} things.

Thanks, I'll start toying around with this :)

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