On 16/09/13 23:00, monarch_dodra wrote:
Question 1: Is this the correct behavior? I'd have expected that if my alias is
public, it would allow any one from outside to make the call correctly.

See: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10996

Question 2: Is there a "correct" way to do this? I possible, I'd want to avoid
"nesting" the template, eg:
auto fun(){return Impl!int();}
As that would:
a) require more typing ^^
b) incur an extra function call in non-inline
c) if at all possible, I actually need "fun" to be a template, so that it can be

Indeed, I used that workaround of manually nesting the functions in some code of mine:

... but that's not a general solution, I was able to tolerate it because it's a limited and predictable set of instructions.

Jacob Carlborg suggested using opDispatch (cf. how it's done in Proxy), which should automate the "nesting" of template functions. I avoided it simply because in my case I thought that doing it manually would be less hassle than getting opDispatch set up to cover every possible case, but depending on your use case it might be the better option.

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