On Sunday, 22 September 2013 at 16:15:09 UTC, Daniel Davidson wrote:
3) Also, is storing immutable(STUFF) in a struct in the general
case (as opposed to just this one) useful or silly?


I don't really understand the _tail-const_, _tail-immutable_ argument. Why is _tail-const_ fine but not _const_ when there is transitivity anyway?


If right out of the gate the feeling is member variables should not be const or immutable, doesn't that greatly reduce the value of the mutability specificiers? Members are used to hold onto the data for the lifecycle of the object and if those should not make claims or guarantees on mutability then that seems a shame.

By marking the tail of the member const -- e.g. const(int)[] --, you're committing to not altering the refered-to data. This means, the user of your struct can put in mutable and immutable data.

When you mark it full-const -- const(int[]) -- you're taking away from the user the ability to make it refer to some other data. In particular, setting a variable of your struct type to a new value requires mutable members. There may be special cases where that extra restriction is desired, but I can't think of one. Unless you're in such a special case, it just hurts the user for no reason.

And when the user needs a const object, they can do that on their own:
struct S {int x;}
const s = S(42);
static assert(is(typeof(s.x) == const));

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