On 28/09/13 15:38, Damien wrote:
 From "The D Programming Language" by Andrei Alexandrescu: "If you forget about
--main, don't worry; the linker will fluently and baroquely remind you of that
in its native language, encrypted Klingon."

If you ever forget why we all love Andrei, a quick read of his books quickly reminds you ... :-)

So I think that your issue is well known and not a development priority at the
moment... :P

My request is subtly different from a plea for a better error message when the user misses off -main ;-)

If the user calls dmd -D on a file where "main" is not defined, the likely intention is that they want to build the docs and only the docs, and the Klingon is therefore slightly more disconcerting than usual. So, slightly more need for a "nice" error message. It was obvious to me because I'm used to D -- for a novice it could be nasty.

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