
I have upgraded to dmd 2.063.2 and have some troubles making my custom
bidirectional range work (it used to). In fact, even this code fails on
assert and I am not really sure why...

import std.range;

struct MyRange(T)
  T[] data;

  T front() @property { return data[0]; }
  T back()  @property { return data[0]; }
  void popFront() {}
  void popBack()  {}
  bool empty() @property { return false; }
  auto save()
    typeof(this) result;
    result.data = data;
    return result;

static this()
  MyRange!string tmp;
  static assert(isInputRange!(MyRange!string));
  static assert(is(typeof(tmp.save) == MyRange!string));

I get this when trying to compile:

> drasar@uriel:/tmp$ dmd test.d
> test.d(26): Error: static assert  (is(pure nothrow @safe MyRange!(string)() 
> == MyRange!(string))) is false

Do you have an idea?


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