On Thursday, 31 October 2013 at 19:39:44 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
const and postblit fundamentally don't mix, because for it to work, you have to violate the type system. With postblits, the struct gets memcpied and then the postblit constructor has the chance to mutate the resulting object to make the pieces different that need to be different. However, to do that mutation when the object is const would mean mutating a const object which violates the type system. What we really need is copy constructors, but they haven't been added yet. At one point, Andrei was saying that he and Walter had a solution, but he didn't elaborate on it. I assume that it involved introducing copy constructors, but I don't know, and this issue has not yet been resolved.

This makes sense, but I think we could have a simpler solution that does not involve a copy constructor addition. It seems the problem is postblit offers a hole in the system whereby developers could change immutable data. Because of that postblit and const don't mix. The simple fix would be take the implementation of postblit away from the developer. It seems the use case for postblit is really only to provide deep copy semantics by having developer throw in a bunch of dups where desired. What if the language just provided standard postblit functionality not defined by the user. However it is specified, it should be easy to implement.

struct S {
  // blit and no postblit dup -> sharing
  int[] y;

  // blit with request for postblit dup -> no sharing
  @postblit int[] x;

Ideally, [].dup would be made pure. Once that is done, generic field by field deep copy could be done and be made pure, thus returning optionally immutable data. While it is true the generated postblit will be mutating the incipient instance - that is fine as it is called in a construction context and dup is surely idempotent. Why make the developer write a function for simple copy?

Now, in your particular code example, you don't define postblit constructor, but my guess would be that RateCurve defines one, making it so that a postblit constructor is generated for T which uses the one for RateCurve, and the S gets one which uses T's. And because const doesn't work with postblit constructors, S becomes uncopyable, and if there's any code that requires that a copy be made, then it'll fail to compile (I'm not sure whether the fact that it's uncopyable will result in an error if no attempts to copy it are made, but you'll definitely get an error if an attempt to copy is made).

Your guesses are correct.

Hopefully, this problem will be resolved, but regardless of that, I would advise against ever having a const member variable in a struct. Even if you don't have any postblit issues, such a struct can never be assigned to, and it becomes essentially unusuable in any situation where you would have to assign a value to it (e.g. if it were in an array). You can certainly make a struct's member variable const if you want to, but you're going to run into stuff that won't work as a result. It's far better to just provide a property for it which is const (probably returning the member by const ref if you want to avoid copying it when using the property) rather than making the member
variable itself const.

- Jonathan M Davis

I am now convinced avoiding `const(T) t` as a member is wise advice. The suggestion of leaving it non-const and providing a const accessor is good - but it won't prevent module code from modifying it. I really want to make sure it is not being mutated. So I'm now leaning toward this approach:

struct S {
  const(T) *rc;

so I won't have the copy/postblit issues. Doesn't this bypass the problems with `const(T) t`. The new risk is that somehow that member variable is initialized with a stack variable.


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