On Monday, 4 November 2013 at 19:35:55 UTC, Jeroen Bollen wrote:
Is there a way I can embed javascript into my D application?

You could use any C javascript lib too, but for ones already wrapped or something, I know there's a few D implementations of javascript: dmdscript <http://www.digitalmars.com/dscript/index.html> (written in D1 but there's two or three ports out there to D2), an experimental implementation by Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert <http://dconf.org/talks/chevalier_boisvert.html>, and I think a couple more.

I also wrote a language that is kinda like javascript but isn't actually the same and is buggy... but might be easier to integrate

get script.d and jsvar.d, don't need the other files.


import arsd.jsvar;
import arsd.script;

void main() {
    var globals = var.emptyObject;

    // add a variadic write function...
    globals.write._function = (var _this, var[] args) {
        import std.conv;
        import std.stdio;
        string s;
        foreach(a; args)
                s ~= a.get!string;
        return var(null);

    // you can also add D functions pretty straightforwardly
    globals.otherFunction = (int a, int b) {
       return a+b;

    // can also set values easily in D
    globals.yourValue = 10;

    import std.file;
    // read the user's code file
    interpret(readText("scriptcode.js"), globals);
         // suppose the code there is:
         // the syntax is kinda like javascript and kinda like D
// the concat operator is D style, but function decls are JS style
         function foo(name) { return "hello, " ~ name; }
         // set a global variable too
var myname = "adam"; // my language requires variables be declared, even if global

// and functions/variable set in the script code are also available via the globals object

// extra parens are needed to call script funs because D's @property is broken auto message = globals.foo()(globals.myname); // calls the script function with a script variable
    import std.stdio;
    writeln(message); // write what the script returned
globals.write()(globals.foo()("D code")); // can also call it with D variables/data

If you use my little language, you'll probably find bugs, but I think it is about as easy as you can get when interfacing with D: the jsvar module gives you a var type, in D, that works very similarly to the javascript style var in the script language (except the double parens needed when calling a function) so the line can be easily blurred between native and script functions, as you see here.

Compile easily too:

dmd yourfile.d jsvar.d script.d

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