You should fix your LICENSE following these instructions I hope you understand the virality of GPL and why most people won't touch your code for real work.

On Wednesday, 20 November 2013 at 07:48:21 UTC, Mineko wrote:
Yo, I'm starting off a new game engine designed around D, and I just wanted to know if some of you might be kind enough to review some of my base code and tell me if I need to change anything in it.. While it's small. ;_;

I'm still learning D, I quite like it, the power of C++ in some parts, and the ease of Java in others. (Good job Walter!)

Anyway here, check it out, only ones you really need to pay attention to are main.d, time.d, and input.d.

Thanks for helping out a newbie, and if you want to contribute to it, even better!

..That and if I'm using the GPL right. >_____>"

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