On 2013-11-24 06:37, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

Thanks.  That is how I started out trying to fix it (Well, I used
symlinks rather than copy the files, but basically the same).  I got it
to stop complaining about stddef.h and stdarg.h, but at the third header
(can't recall something obscure though) I gave up because I figured I
was going to be adding symlinks to half the headers on my system! Thats
when I decided to try compiling from scratch.

You need some kind of hearers, either system headers or headers from Clang. stddef.h and stdarg.h are somewhat special headers, they're builtin includes and you need to get them from Clang.

Is this issue supposed to be fixed with new versions of clang?

I don't know, I don't think so.

No I hadn't tried that.  I will give it a shot.

You will need Tango as well. All this is in the readme. Please let me know if there's something that is not clear in the readme.

/Jacob Carlborg

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