For the two first ones, I would use an alias:
    alias GetCurrentThreadId pthread_self;
    alias void *  pthread_handler_t;

The third one is a function pointer alias:
    alias void * function (void *) pthread_handler;

For the last one, I am not sure, being rusty with the C preprocessor rules. I would use a template function:
    import core.stdc.config : c_long;

    void set_timespec_nsec (T, U) (ref T abstime, U nsec) {
       GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (&; += cast (long) (nsec) / 100;
       abstime.max_timeout_msec = cast (c_long) (nsec /1000000);
Though, with that last one, you lost the ability to get it inlined (but there is still the -inline computer switch if performance is a real issue).
As for the type mapping, it seems that:
 - __int64 in C corresponds to long in D
 - long in C corresponds to c_long defined in core.stdc.config.

Don't hesitate to double check all this, I may have written something wrong.

On 11/30/2013 03:53 PM, Gary Willoughby wrote:
I'm porting some C headers and wondered how would i convert the
following to D:

#define pthread_self() GetCurrentThreadId()

#define pthread_handler_t void * __cdecl

typedef void * (__cdecl *pthread_handler)(void *);

#define set_timespec_nsec(ABSTIME,NSEC) { \
   GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&((ABSTIME).tv.ft)); \
   (ABSTIME).tv.i64+= (__int64)(NSEC)/100; \
   (ABSTIME).max_timeout_msec= (long)((NSEC)/1000000); \

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