On Wednesday, 4 December 2013 at 01:53:39 UTC, Shammah Chancellor wrote:
Or is D syntax not generic enough to define monads?

I started to port monads to D [0]. You can do it, but it looks ugly. The trick is to implement (Haskell) type classes via template specialization. I came to the conclusion that it is not worth it.

What D kind of lacks is a way to define a general type class aka the interface. Of course, you could use the "interface" keyword, but then you cannot apply it to structs. Haskell has no structs (value type records), so they do not have this problem. Look at how isInputRange is implemented [1]. The traits in Rust [2] provide this interface mechanisms as a language feature. D uses static-if instead.

Not Haskell, not D, not Rust can check, if your monad actually follows the monad laws [3]. This would probably require a full theorem prover in your language. So Coq, Isabelle, and maybe ATS could do that. A similar challenge would be to check if a user-defined plus operator is commutative (a+b == b+a) like arithmetic plus operations.

[0] https://bitbucket.org/qznc/d-monad/src/5b9d41c611093db74485b017a72473447f8d5595/generic.d?at=master [1] https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/blob/master/std/range.d#L519
[2] http://static.rust-lang.org/doc/0.8/tutorial.html#generics
[3] http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Monad_laws

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