On Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 09:18:51PM +0100, seany wrote:
> I have the following
> void functionName(T)(T argumentVar)
> {
>     /+
>     now i want that based on type of argumentVar, things will be
> done
>     eg :
>     if there is a function gettype; then :
>     +/
>     switch(argumentVar.gettype)
>     {
>         case "string array":
>              //do something
>         case "string":
>              //treat srting as a file...
>              //then do some other things
>     }
> }

Use static if and an is-expression:

        static if (is(T == string[]))
                // handle string arrays
        else static if (is(T == string))
                // handle strings
        else static assert(0);  // this is a good idea to catch bugs,
                                // if somebody passes in a type that
                                // isn't supported

Depending on your application, you may want to use the more permissive
is(X : Y) syntax instead. The ':' means "if X can implicitly convert to
Y", whereas the is(X == Y) syntax means "if X is exactly the same type
as Y". So if you want to accept both string and char[], you'd write:

        static if (is(T : const(char)[]))
                // handles string, char[], and const(char)[]

since both unqualified and immutable can implicitly convert to const.


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