... I thought I did, but now I'm up against an interesting conundrum: while equality == comparison can fail here for 32-bit, isIdentical comparison can fail even for 64-bit, although only for the release-mode build.

What's particularly odd is that if before calling assert(isIdentical( ... )) I use writeln to print the value of isIdentical(...) to the screen, then it prints true, and the assertion passes. If I don't have the print statement, then the assert fails.

I'm presuming that calling writefln to print the variable involves it being taken off the FPU?

I'm just guessing now but it seems that you are in an area that changes depending on which compiler you are using (how does it compile the FP instructions, does it use SSE instructions, how is it checking equality) and which exact processor are you on, does it support IEEE754, does the compiler try to support IEEE754 exactly? I haven't seen much in the forums about FP behaviour in e.g. dmd. E.g. how does it deal with the issues raised in http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/JAVAhurt.pdf? The people who know these things can found discussing them at http://forum.dlang.org/thread/khbodtjtobahhpzma...@forum.dlang.org?page=3#post-l4rj5o:24292k:241:40digitalmars.com :-).

It's generally held that checking FP numbers for exact equality isn't practical and it's better to go for equality within a certain tolerance - any reason why you're not happy with that :-)?

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