On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 03:07:58 UTC, Hugo Florentino wrote:
Is there a way to detect the encoding prior to typecasting/loading the file?

UTF-8 can be detected fairly reliably, but not much luck for other encodings. A Windows-1258 and a Latin1 file, for example, are usually fairly indistinguishable from a binary perspective - they use the same numbers, just for different things.

(It is possible to distinguish them if you use some context and grammar check kind of things, but that's not easy.)

But utf-8 has a neat feature: any non-ascii stuff needs to validate, and it is unlikely that random data would correctly validate.

std.utf.validate can do that (though it throws an exception if it fails, ugh!)

So here's how I did it in my own characterencodings.d:


        string utf8string;
        import std.utf;
        try {
                validate!string(cast(string) rawdata);
// validation passed, assume it is UTF-8 and use it
                utf8string = cast(string) rawdata;
        } catch(UTFException t) {
               // not utf-8, try latin1
               transcode(cast(Latin1String) rawData, utf8string);

        // now go ahead and use utf8 string, it should be set

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