Most uses of the 'is expression' allows using a specifier to name the entity that matched. So, inserting ReturnedDelegate in your '== delegate' line gives the name ReturnedDelegate to the delegate.

That name can be used further:

template exT(T, alias nextGen)
    if (
        // Ensure nextGen is a callable entity
           isCallable!nextGen == true
        // Ensure nextGen returns a delegate
&& is(ReturnType!nextGen ReturnedDelegate == delegate) // <--
        // Ensure nextGen takes one argument
        && arity!nextGen == 1
        // Ensure that argument is of type T
        && is(ParameterTypeTuple!nextGen[0] == T)
        // Ensure the returned delegate returns type T
        && is(ReturnType!ReturnedDelegate == T)
        // Ensure the arity and parameter type of the delegate
                // && arity!ReturnedDelegate == 1
&& ParameterTypeTuple!ReturnedDelegate.length == 1 // <-- && is(ParameterTypeTuple!ReturnedDelegate[0] == int) // <--
    // ...

However, since arity() takes an alias but ReturnedDelegate is a type, I could not make it work. So, I use the length of the parameter type tuple instead.

You can put all of those checks into a template and pass T and nextGen to it:

template exT(T, alias nextGen)
    if SatisfiesMyConditions!(T, nextGen)
    // ...

I haven't attempted writing it but it will be similar to the following syntax:

template canFlyAndLand(T)
    enum canFlyAndLand = is (typeof(
        T object;
        object.prepare();  // should be preparable for flight; // should be flyable for a certain distance;     // should be landable

I've copied that example from under the "Named constraints" section at

Phobos implementation has many examples of that as well.


Thank you! This is excellent, and I'll make great use of your suggestions.

I would think you can check the delegate signature directly without decomposing it. Something like this:

is(ReturnType!nextGen == T delegate (int))

This is a very concise way to do what I want to do, but this check cares about other attributes of the function/delegate, i.e. if the function or delegate is designated as pure or nothrow and those don't show up in the check, it will fail. As in:

auto nextGen()
    T genFunc(int x) nothrow
        return 0;
    return &genFunc;

genFunc will fail the is() check because the is check cares whether the delegate is nothrow or not. Since I want folks to be able to use my algorithm without caring about the implementation details, I need to provide constraints for the parameter lists and return types of their functions, but no constraints on whatever attributes they want to slap onto their functions. I will keep this in my toolbox, but I'll have to take the more long-winded approach this time around.

Thank you both!

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