On 12/18/2013 05:32 AM, Hugo Florentino wrote:

> output is incorrect in Windows (even with unicode-supporting
> fonts).

Is the code page also set to UTF-8? I think you must issue the command 'chcp 65001'.

I have changed your program to print the code units individually in hex. I changed the test string to a single space character so that you can identify it easily on the output:

import std.stdio, std.string, std.encoding;

@trusted string quote(in string str, in char chr = 'd') pure {
  switch(chr) {
    case 'b': return '`' ~ str ~ '`'; // backtick
    case 'd': return `"` ~ str ~ `"`; // double
    case 'f': return `«` ~ str ~ `»`; // french
    case 's': return `'` ~ str ~ `'`; // single
    case 't': return `“` ~ str ~ `”`; // typographic
    default: return `"` ~ str ~ `"`; // double

void main() {
  char[] a = ['b', 'd', 'f', 's', 't'];
  auto input = " ";
  foreach(char type; a)
      writeln(format("Quote type %s:\t%(%02x %)", type,
                     cast(ubyte[])quote(input, type)));

Does the output of the program look correct according to UTF-8? Then your compiler has produced a correct program. :) Here is the output I get on SL6.1 compiled with dmd v2.065-devel-41ebb59:

Quote type b:   60 20 60
Quote type d:   22 20 22
Quote type f:   c2 ab 20 c2 bb
Quote type s:   27 20 27
Quote type t:   e2 80 9c 20 e2 80 9d

I trust the correctness of this feature of D so much that I am too lazy to check whether those code units correspond to the intended Unicode characters. :)


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