On Sunday, 22 December 2013 at 21:07:11 UTC, Charles McAnany wrote:
I'm writing a little molecular simulator. Without boring you with the details, here's the gist of it:

struct Atom{
    double x, vx;
    double interaction(Atom a2){
        return (a2.x-this.x)^^2; //more complicated in reality

    Atom[] atoms = (a bunch of atoms in random positions);
    foreach(timestep; 1..1000){ //L0
        foreach(atom; atoms){ //L1
            foreach(partner; atoms){ //L2
atom.vx += atom.interaction(partner)/mass; //F=ma
        foreach(atom; atoms){ //L3
            atom.x += atom.vx * deltaT;

So here's the conundrum: How do I parallelize this efficiently? The first loop, L0, is not parallelizable at all, and I think the best speedup will be in parallelizing L1. But I immediately run into trouble: all the threads need access to all of atoms, and every atom's position is changed on every pass through L0. So to do this purely with message passing would involve copying the entirety of atoms to every thread every L0 pass. Clearly, shared state is desirable.

But I don't need to be careful about the shared state at all; L1 only reads Atom.x, and only writes Atom.vx. L3 only reads Atom.vx and only writes Atom.x There's no data dependency at all inside L1 and L3.

Is there a way to inform the compiler of this without just aggressively casting things to shared and immutable?

On that note, how do you pass a reference to a thread (via send) without the compiler yelling at you? Do you cast(immutable Atom[]) on send and cast(Atom[]) on receive?

If you're doing a range limited interaction, partition the atoms spatially and have each core handle a fixed 3D volume. Check out the NT method http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15869-f11/www/readings/shaw05_ntmethod.pdf When the core that owns an atom detects that it may be in interaction range for atom(s) owned by another core, send updates to that other core.

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