On 2014-01-10 01:02, "Ola Fosheim Grøstad" <ola.fosheim.grostad+dl...@gmail.com>" wrote:
The std.xml documentation states "This module is considered out-dated
and not up to Phobos' current standards."

Does this mean that there is some other module I should use for xml
parsing? Maybe one that is not in the standard distribution yet because
it is beta?

I'd like to convert a xml-based tool I have written in another language
to D as an experiment, but I'd like to use libraries that are likely to
stay up to date.

Bascally it entails:
- reading a xml file
- build a dom for it
- optimize it
- write it back to another xml file

What options do I have in terms of actively maintained libraries that
are suitable for this kind of utility? Beta quality is ok.

As far as I know, std.xml has been considered out of date for years, nothing has replaced it yet. I'm using the XML parser from Tango. It has a pull parser and an XML document API.

Tango will most likely not get any new features but there are developers here keeping it up to date with the latest compiler changes.


/Jacob Carlborg

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