On 1/13/14, anonymous <anonym...@example.com> wrote:
> On Monday, 13 January 2014 at 13:41:30 UTC, Orvid King wrote:
>> If you just want to check if specifically it's a structure, you
>> could
>> always check `__traits(compiles, T()) && if(typeof(T()) == T)`
>> beware
>> however that this will evaluate to true if T is a class with a
>> static
>> opCall who's return type is T.
> is(T == struct)

Or that, yeah XD (For some reason I was thinking about ensuring that
it was constructible, which, after reading the question again, isn't
actually needed, woops :D)

With that in mind, value type semantics would be `enum
hasValueSemantics(T) = is(T == struct) || is(T == enum) || is(T ==
union) || isArray!T;` Be aware however that this assumes you want
arrays to be considered to have value semantics due to their length
and base element being by-value.

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