
I am trying to make a little application to revert the effect of some viruses on USB memories, and running it from Windows encountered some exceptions that IMHO should not have happened. Maybe I am missing something. Can you please check the commented blocks for errors?

Also, is there a way from Linux to remove attributes readonly, system, hidden ?

Regards, Hugo

import std.stdio;
import std.path;
import std.regex;
import std.file;
import std.string;

static string info = "CureUSB 0.3 (2014-01-14)";
static string str_moved   = "Moved";
static string str_deleted = "Deleted";
static string str_finished   = "Done";
static string str_setattrib = "Attributes set";
static string str_safename = "SafeToDelete";

// Expression to match directories with blanks for name
static auto re = regex(`^\s+$`);

  import core.sys.windows.windows;
  extern(Windows) uint SetFileAttributesA(LPCSTR, DWORD);

int main()
  string ExePath = thisExePath();
  string SearchPath = rootName(ExePath);
  string BlankDirToDelete;

  version(Windows) SetConsoleOutputCP(65001);

  foreach(DirEntry d; dirEntries(SearchPath, SpanMode.shallow))
    auto m = matchFirst(baseName(d.name), re);
    if (m.captures.length > 0)
      if (isDir(d.name))
        foreach(DirEntry f; dirEntries(d.name, SpanMode.shallow))
          string origname = buildPath(SearchPath, baseName(f.name));
          rename(f.name, origname);
          writefln(`%s "%s"`, str_moved, origname);
        BlankDirToDelete = d.name;


// The following block does not work; supposedly the process does not have // access to the directory because it is being used by another process,
  // which does not seem to be the case. Uncomment to try
  if (exists(BlankDirToDelete)) try
    string SafeToBeDeleted = buildPath(SearchPath, str_safename)
    rename(BlankDirToDelete, SafeToBeDeleted);
  catch (FileException e)

  foreach(DirEntry d; dirEntries(SearchPath, SpanMode.shallow))
    if (d.name != ExePath)
      string bname = baseName(d.name);
        if ( (bname != "RECYCLER")
          && (bname != "$Recycle.bin")
          && (bname != "System Volume Information")
          && (bname != "Recovery")
          && (bname != "MSOCache")
) SetFileAttributesA(toStringz(d.name), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL + FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE);

// The following block gives a FileException, claiming that the specified file
      // could not befound. Uncomment to try
      string exten = extension(d.name);
      if (exten.length > 0)
// writefln(`"%s" "%s"`, d.name, extension(d.name)); //debug line
        if ( (exten == ".exe")
          || (exten == ".lnk")
          || (exten == ".scr")
          || (exten == ".cpl")
          || (exten == ".hta")
          || (exten == ".com")
          || (exten == ".bat")
          || (exten == ".vb")
          || (exten == ".vbs") )
if (isDir(buildPath(SearchPath, stripExtension(baseName(d.name)))))
            writefln(`%s "%s"`, str_deleted, d.name);

  writefln("%s", str_setattrib);

  writefln("%s.", str_finished);

  return 0;

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