
      auto app = appender(&unitlist);

Ah, I'd been wondering if there was something like this. But why does it need unitlist's address? (Assume & has the same meaning as in C and C++.)

This one seems like it should be unitlist.filter!(x => x.any!(y => s==y)).array();

Oh. Duh. But what is the .array() at the end doing? Allocating a new array for the results of the filter, since it's basically just a lazily computed range rather than actual storage for the results?

   foreach(s; squares){
       peers[s] = remove(chain(units[s]), s); \\line 41

This one I don't understand. chain(units[s]) ? That's the same as units[s]. remove() returns a range, in this case string[][].

I'm just trying to match what the python code was doing. In that case the line

peers = dict((s, set(sum(units[s],[]))-set([s]))
             for s in squares)

was using sum to concatenate a bunch of lists together and then remove the element. But I miscounted the parentheses and didn't notice the '-' was after the concatenated lists were tured into a set. The following code appears to do what I want, but the string temporary and appender are a bit ugly. Any suggestions on getting rid of them?

   foreach(s; squares){
        string[] tmp;
        auto app2 = appender(&tmp);
        foreach(t; units[s]) {app2.put(t);}
        peers[s] = tmp.sort().uniq().filter!(a => a!=s).array();

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