On Wednesday, 29 January 2014 at 15:38:34 UTC, Cooler wrote:
It's not unpredictable, at least not more unpredictable then fun2.

Should we dissallow this two?

int[] a = [1,2,3,4];
b = a;
b ~= [5, 6, 7, 8];

You don't understand me. You consider that I am author of the fun() and the caller side. Read two post above http://forum.dlang.org/post/dxqxlhyhmdfuashhm...@forum.dlang.org

I consider that author of fun() and author of caller side are different persons. They must agree between them how to provide some functionality. If I fun()'s author why do I need to provide fun3() if I already provided fun1() and fun2()? I I caller's author - why may I require fun3() variant, if I already have fun1() and fun2()?

Oh, I guess I understood quite well. I just don't see a special problem with arrays, it's just the same as any other aliasing issue. Take this for example:

void funS(S* s); // S is a struct, maybe containing a ptr and a length member :-)

Should we disallow this as well? When I give a unqualified pointer to a function, the only guarantee I get is that it's pointing to the same location after the call. It's the same with arrays.

And since we have this problem every time we pass a pointer to function I don't see why arrays should get special treatment.

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