On Wednesday, 29 January 2014 at 16:43:35 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Stanislav Blinov:

Hmm.. How would one use core.simd with LDC2? It doesn't seem to define D_SIMD.
Or should I go for builtins?

I don't know if this is useful for you, but here I wrote a basic usage example of SIMD in ldc2 (second D entry):


I meant how to make it compile with ldc2? I've translated the code, it compiles and works with dmd (although segfaults in -release mode for some reason, probably a bug somewhere).

But with ldc2:

nbody.d(68): Error: undefined identifier __simd
nbody.d(68): Error: undefined identifier XMM

those are needed for that sqrt reciprocal call.

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