Hey, I'm handling concurrency with message passing, previously with D's concurrency, now with Vibe-d, which I assume works the same way.

My app is a chat server, and when a connection is opened to a client, I store the Tid of the thread (or fibre?) handling sending messages out to the client. This lets me broadcast messages to all Tids. When a connection is closed, the thread requests that its Tid is removed from the list.

Both adding and removing the Tid technically require only the Tid to be message passed. However, I would like to distinguish between the two cases. I currently have two empty structs named AddTid and RemoveTid, and I pass those along. I assume some bytes must be passed in their place to tell of their type, but that's fine.

It does feel rather hacked, however. I'm aware that D doesn't support excessively fancy pattern matching, like what is found in SML, but is there a more correct way to do this? Enums don't work, because they have the same type. I can pattern match the enums later, but I want to do it immediately.

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